Years ago while still in art school my pops got me the Pinnochio volume of Pierre Lambert's incredible Disney art of series. I believe there are three additional books besides Pinnochio. Mickey Mouse, Blanche Niege (Snow White), and the one Im featuring today; Le Livre De La Jungle (Jungle Book). This entire series is magnificent as far as books go. Printed on large format, ultra thick, ultra glossy paper, bound in a hard cover with matching slipcase (I dont think the American Pinnochio came with a slipcase, an already expensive book, the addition must have just been way too much for Americans to swallow). Bound within the beginning of the book, a printed cell over-layed on a printed background painting. I like to think this is an actual frame, but I really doubt it.
Somehow I scored this book for like $45 brand new on Amazon UK (Also- check out how they packed it- not only slipcased but snuggly wrapped within an additional card board case! (Pic below)) This is probably one of my best scores on an amazing book for cheap. Its probably over a hundred now- but if you love Disney art, or the Jungle Book, or like me- are crazy about amazing concept art of Jungle ruins, just drop the coin now and get it. You could sell it next year and make more than a few dollars! But I suspect due to how gorgeous it is on and off the shelp, that you will keep it and end up collecting the entire four book series.
I should note that I do NOT have the Mickey Mouse volume of this set. I heard that there can be trouble with the binding especially in that particular volume (a real pet peeve of mine- poor bindings in a book of this size- or any size for that matter).
So Im not saying dont buy it, but you should probably take a look before buying it. At the same time- I *think* my good friend Greg Knight found the Mickey Mouse for really cheap so do a little cost benefit analysis if you do see one- but be warned.
Coming soon the review of Pierre Lambert's Blanche Niege (Snow White)
Le Livre De La Jungle
Pierre Lambert
LA MARTINIERE; Hors collection edition (2009)
237 pages (HC+Slipcase)
15.8 x 14.2 x 2 inches
Available through amazon resellers at around 115 buckaroos

Such awesome additional packaging!
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