Made it out with a buddy before the sun went down for a Friday landscape. It was a good challenge to paint really fast before the light completely changed- very different from painting at lunch time...although- even after sunset, the colors of Marin were amazing- add to that the warm sweet country air, some wildlife venturing out into the cooling evening, and it was a great start to the weekend. I need to find a way so that my paintings stop falling off my easle onto the ground while hiking back to the car- it always happens to me...bits of grass and dirt in that thick oil...grrr...anyways...always a next time...
4x7 oil, dirt, grass and a bug on oak panel
Thats really nice, I'm really digging the thickness of the paint.
Man..thanks Jesse...thick paint seems to be the only way I can keep them colors from gettin all muddy and mixed together... so Im just goin with it-
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